Monday 11 October 2010


page1 third Draft

The Beautiful cell - Script

A Dark screen emerges

Through the dust of the vast yellow desert, a jail Building is seen in the distance.

EXT: SLOW ZOOM IN (whilst being narrated)

The dust settles and we see the small and shack like building standing alone in the arid landscape, the narrator is introducing the program and the prison. An old looking scorpion slowly scuttles by.

NARRATOR; “ Our journey begins in this Prison, set in the Central Asian desert of Kara Kum, we begin to unveil the mystery that happened on that magical summers night.”

CUT TO, INT : Inside of the prison

Slow pan up the inside of the Cell Room, to the Animals lying around inside.
We view the inside of the Dark and Humid Prison building, and the few jail cells that it has within it, The Animal inmates are in their shared cell, They have a simple existence and the viewer is led to believe on first glance do these harmless looking animals deserve to be here for their petty crimes?.

NARRATOR; “ Some say it started with a herd of animals flourishing the land, others tell their children the stories of the bright light that came from the sky, but one thing is for sure, no one can remember the exact date the fateful events happened or how they came about in the first place?”

INT, Cut To;

We focus on 3 animals an axolotl a squid like creature, Bush Baby and a hare, all of these animals are deeply unhappy in this horrid place and feel their living conditions need to be improved greatly, the Axolotl has no water to bathe in, he needs this for his skin which in the humid desert landscape is becoming dry and cracked and his scales are filling with the sand. The hare hasn’t any food to eat and is hungry and unstable on its back legs, he seems to be becoming weak and his coat is a dull colour. The Bush baby is crawling with fleas and itchy in his skin.
They are miserable in this place, it is dark, humid and depressing, and they long for a new home, to have freedom just once again.


They are lying around in their cells the Axolotl is staring out of the cell window in awe of the beautiful daylight, wanting to be free once again, the hare is sat on the floor in the corner of the room, hiding in the shadows and staring at the wall in a depressed manner, the bush baby is pacing around in circles its short legs kicking up the sand that has blown in through the window, he carefully manoeuvres around the old food scraps on the floor. Everyone is resting.


The Axolotl is standing at the window still gazing at the landscape he acts as if he is glued to the ground. The bush baby approaches him and starts to wash his scales with a small sponge and a bucket of water to keep his skin moist from the humid climate.

INT, CLOSE UP; up of the Axototl’s face looking happy.

A plate of food is pushed under the door; the animals hurry towards it and start to eat it.

NOISE; we hear the Prison guards footsteps walking away and the jingling of his keys.

INT, CLOSE UP; of the animals hands grabbing at the plate of food.
NOISE; the sound of the animals eating.

The sun is setting on the desert landscape and two of our animal inmates are preparing their cells for sleeping, the axolotl is gazing out of his barred window into the night sky and watching the desert animals crawling away into their holes in the ground for the night.

EXT, CUT TO; long shot of the Desert insects crawling underground.

He glances at the only plant that he has seen in a long time a small flower that is growing out of the wall, close to the cell window.

EXT, Medium Shot; of the Axolotl and the cell window, Pan down to the flower.

EXT, CLOSE UP; of the flower it moves slightly in the wind.

The two other inmates have made a game of noughts and crosses from the chalk they have chipped off the walls, and crudely drawn on the floor. They have drawn and obviously played a lot of games in the past as the cell is full of small chalk doodles lining the walls and floor.

INT, Medium shot; of the animals playing the game sat on the floor.

INT, PAN DOWN; to the noughts and Crosses board that has been crudely drawn on the floor in chalk, the animals scratch the chalk along the floor for their next move.

NOISE; chalk scratching along the ground.

EXT, CUT TO; The desert, Moon (AFTER EFFECTS)

The Axolotl is staring at the moon, and suddenly spots some fast moving objects in the sky, shining brightly and making the desert glow in the distance, the falling objects are creating some beautiful luminous colours in the night sky. They become faster as he watches and more of them start to glow, until they stop all of a sudden.

INT, CUT TO; inside of the cell

The Axolotl turns in astonishment at what he has just seen to tell the other two inmates of this marvel, but they are asleep curled up on the floor on their blankets, looking peaceful.
INT; CLOSE UP; The Axolotl face his eyes start to shut as he sleeps standing up. Lights in the distance start to shine over his face.

EXT, CUT TO; Outer space (after effects used for this scene)

The great outer space where all the action starts to happen, a large asteroid is speeding its way along the vast solar system a brightly coloured planet that is glowing with a strong beam of light the force of this planet is so great it is attracting the pull of other space objects and debris, the most important of all being a shooting star.

The planet is travelling at a great speed and soon comes into close contact with Planet earth; the shooting star separates itself from the dying asteroids pull and soon makes its way through the Earths thick atmosphere and into the sky.
The star is burning brightly and shines up the night sky it is travelling towards the ground and making a large rumbling noise from its great speed and strength.

EXT, CUT TO; A long shot of the Prison

The prison is covered by the night sky the large star is falling towards the building and just misses a collision, shaking the earth beneath it and moving the building. The final resting place of the star is the group of trees that are close to the prison it is burning brightly and creating a large glow through the trees, the glow starts to dim gradually.

NOISE; star falling through the sky, hitting the trees.


The sun is rising over the desert and creating its shadows, the prison is still standing and has a certain glow about it, as the sun rises we are shown the stars real power there has been a transformation of the desert there are small trees and plants flourishing the landscape, the prison building has ivy and plants engrossing it, the desert has become alive.

EXT, CLOSE UP; of the plants growing up through the ground at a fast rate .

NOISE; The ground is cracking, plants growing.

The plants slowly start to grow larger the trees push through the ground and fill the sky, they are soon fighting for space as more and more of them flourish the landscape, all the different varieties of plants and flowers come into sight, the noises of new insects and hints of butterfly wings are hidden under the large leaves.

INT, CUT TO; The inside of the prison

There has been a transformation and our 3 heroes are awoken to the noises of movement around their paws, the plants are growing inside the cells, they watch in disbelief at the miracle, the walls of the prison are starting to vibrate and become weak, the bricks loosen from their place and start to fall away.

CUT TO; The Jungle

They venture into the jungle that has erupted from almost nowhere and breathe the fresh air, there is still some sand covering the ground, the rest has become rich in greenery and life the sun is shining through the large leaves above their heads they gaze into the endless jungle in amazement, they can hear the faint sound of a waterfall.

EXT, CUT TO; Pan upwards to the tops of the trees.

There is a sudden rumble above them they gaze upwards and spot a coconut tree full of nuts moving around fiercely and quickly, the motions seem harmless until a few nuts come loose and fall towards them.
The objects are falling at a great speed and intensity the animals can not help but stare they fall closer and closer until the screen fills to black.

CUT TO; Through the eyes of an animal

We are viewing through the animals eyes and the blurring slowly disappears until the shadow of a prison guard is becoming visible the guard leans over the creature and stares at him.



  1. Hey ecky witht the narration we need to have a discussion on wether you think doft music like the posts i have put on here, having one instrument, such as a flute or violin, etc and the sound effects is enough or wether we should have narration throughout?? just thinking with he animals moving around and cleaning each other at the start of the script would be some really dull narration just explaining what is going on when it is clearly obvious!


  3. The 'Beautiful Cell' is a good name, but it would be easier to keep the 'Animals in Jail' name, as I've written it down as that on the character designs. However, if you still want to change it then I could see what I could do.

    Ok, we could get rid of the narration, but a few bits here and there might not be a bad plan. Like in space, where it explains what's happening with the astroid maybe? If not, then the music and sound effects should be fine on their own. :)
